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My bio

Hi and thanks for checking out my website and my recent projects. I am a beginning web developer based in London with keen interest in Javascript with associated frameworks, React, SQL and JQuery as well as Python and PHP. I’m extremely passionate about web development and design in all it’s forms and creating projects from the very first idea to the deployed final product. I enjoy trying, experimenting and playing with code until achieving the perfect final result.

Professionally I have been an English teacher and a Sales Manager (with a brief encounter with some bar jobs during my uni time!) all of which have taught me a great variety of skills and given diverse experience. I have worked both creatively and within strictly defined procedures and did rather well under pressure and working to deadlines, but…

I have been lacking passion in what I was doing therefore I started looking for something that would genuinely give me joy, and once I realized I really enjoy web development, I decided to pursue this full time and change my career. As I learn best by doing, I have spent last year hands-on with many projects first as a hobby in FreeCodeCamp and CodePen and then, more independently on my own machine.

I have recently completed the Full-Stack Developer Course with Codecademy as well as PHP, JQuery, C#, Python and Java. Prior to that I also finished Basics of HTM and CSS, JQuery and Python on Udemy. I have developed many projects small and big and chosen a few with varying degree of complexity which you can find below along with a short description and a link to github repo.

In my personal life I enjoy, rather unremarkably, travelling, reading watching Netflix or Prime when I’m not busy tinkering around the house or playing with my dog. Please feel free to contact me or give any feedback me on my   Email

My Projects

Home Repository

Home Repository is an e-commerce full-stack PERN app for a household items online shop and is my most complex project so far. It includes front-end React App and Express JS Server with Postgres Database and user login. State in the app is managed by Redux store with asynchoronous actions dispatched to API endpoints using Async Thunks. Server routes manage queries to SQL databade creating, returning, updating and deleting entries. User authentication is done with the use of Express Sessions and Passport JS. I have added interactivity using various react packages to provide pop up success and error messages as well as zoom in feature for images. It was challenging at times but really helped me grasp and solidify my skills especially regarding the concepts of user authentication and deploying full-stack app and how the front-end and the back-end tie together. As the registration does not require email verification please feel free create an account to see the full functionality of the app.

25 Reddits a Day

25 Reddits a day is a reddit client which displays 25 most recent reddit posts either in chosen category or keyword search. The idea behind the project was to allow visitors to procrastinate a little while making sure they won’t spend too much time going “down the rabbit hole” of endless posts. The website also supports images and videos provided by reddit API (although in line with reddit limitations no audio available) and when reddit is a forum discussion, a link is provided. The user can also view and read comments displayed in a responsive container. The website also fully adapts to mobile devices. The app uses React and Redux with associated libraries and asynchronous requests to Reddit API. I hope the app will help you to waste (a little) time...


Jamming app allows you to search through songs, add, remove and create new playlist which are added to spotify in real time. Due to recent changes in spotify Web API policy, in order to use the app features email address associated with the account would need to be added to the application whitelist. While I am happy to do so on requests, I also attached a short video presenting app’s features. The app was build using React JS with Class Components and Redux and incorporating asynchronous logic. It also takes advantage of Spotify Web API and Implicit Grant Flow Authorisation.

Intelligence Construction

Intelligence Construction is a plain HTML and CSS website presenting an people and services of a construction company. Main focus here was on creating a clear and responsive website with at glance overview of basic information. The website is fully adaptable to mobile devices and makes use of external features like google maps iframes.

Hackbridge Art Centre

Hackbridge Art Centre was the first project created by me in its entirety from the initial idea through the design writing code to deployment with no guidance. Although quite simple it has given me some confidence in researching, trying and using coding elements on my own. The color scheme consistent through the website relates to the banner which is the focal point for the whole website. This website is also fully compatible with mobile devices through the use of flexbox.

Tea Cozy

Tea Cozy is a website for the café presenting its range of products and services. This was the first project I completed in my code editor being given graphics and requirements regarding result. The website uses flexbox to maintain responsiveness.

Completed Training

...but always developing